Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Today's Password

Hey, guys!  Susan and I are at it again!  We have another wonderful freebie for you!!!  This one is titled Today's Password.  I know some of you know what it is, but for those of you who don't....You post one of the mats outside (or inside) your door where it is highly visible to students...post a sight word, letter, number, vocabulary word, ANYTHING on the mat and students "read" it every time they walk past (The password is.....)!  I make my kinders whisper it into my ear (SHHHHH!!! It's a secret), but you could just have them read it quietly.  We have made a pack that has a variety of the mats in it...there are several chevron themed ones, owls, and seasonal.  You can download them for free RIGHT HERE! We hope you like them. Please leave us some feedback if you like them, or want to make a suggestion or request. 

Thank you,


  1. YOU GALS HAVE DONE A WONDERFUL JOB ON THIS BLOG. Makes me want to teach. I have sent this link to my FB page-GREAT JOB. I also have it coming to my email to keep up! HUGS!

    1. Thanks,mom. Love you and thanks for your support.
